
Your brother will be fine. I'm glad he now has a positive outlook. After my stem cell transplant in Oxford failed five years ago and the cancer returned, I found myself facing multiple myeloma again two years ago. Treatments in the UK, especially as a private patient, are extremely expensive. Thankfully, a family friend introduced me to Dr. Elebute Odunsi, who returned to practice in Nigeria. It turned out my UK consultant was once her house officer during training in Royal Madden Hospital. I followed her treatment plan, including Daratumumab, which was far more affordable at Marcell Ruth- 50% less, with flexible payments. Now, I'm retired, painting, playing music, and enjoying life with meditation and golf. Treatment for multiple myeloma has come a long way; it's hard to believe patients were once given only six months. I'm grateful to see Nigerian professionals returning to contribute to our healthcare system instead of leaving. While cancer medicines remain costly, I hope the government steps in-it can happen to anyone. Cancer to me is no worse than a headache now, and my experience at Marcell Ruth has been largely smooth. My prayer is for a painless, peaceful transition when the time comes, but until then, I'll keep living positively. Life is a gift we should cherish, and I hope to support Nigerian medical researchers in any way I can.
My Dear Friends, Please, do not be afraid of cancer. Open up to your oncologist early and follow their advice. I did, and that's why I am alive today. Cancer runs in my family-others who had it, including my father, passed away. I didn't want to die, so I acted quickly. My cancer was detected early, even though I wasn't sick. Within two weeks, my breast was removed, and I started follow-up care with Marcelle Ruth. Today, I've been cancer-free for over two years. I'm bold enough to share my story because hiding cancer doesn't save lives-it only exposes the truth after it's too late. I've faced many health challenges, including open-heart surgery, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and adenomyosis, leading to a hysterectomy. But through it all, I remained strong, trusting God completely. He has helped me overcome every obstacle, including raising my daughter alone as a divorcee. She's now completed her master's degree, and I'm grateful to God for His faithfulness. I deeply respect Dr. Dupe Elebute-Odunsi. Her wise counsel was instrumental in my journey to victory. We are blessed to have her and the amazing Team Marcelle Ruth in Nigeria. They were my lifeline and can be yours too. I share this to encourage someone today-trust God, seek help, and take action. You are stronger than you think!
My 72yr old brother was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer about months ago. He thought he would die soon. He started radiotherapy at Marcelle Ruth about a month ago. At first he was so uptight and each session was an ordeal. However interacting with other patients, sharing experiences, expert handling and counselling by hospital staff and family support have turned him into a very lively patient now encouraging others. Collectively they see a bright, happy and healthy future beyond their current state and most importantly they have developed a friendship and solidarity that would have been unimagined a few months ago. For me, I'm glad to have my brother back to his full life again. Thanks be to God, Marcelle Ruth staff, family and fellow patients.
Hi Tomi, my dear brother and friend. Glad that you belong to this Support group. I remember very well when you were on treatment at Marcell Ruth. Thanks for sharing your experiences on this journey thereby encouraging others that it is possible to overcome cancer and that an initial diagnosis does not translate to a death sentence. Early diagnosis and prompt adequate treatment remains the key. Better diagnostic tools and treatment modalities are now available even in Nigeria. So, let other patients, survivors, relatives, friends etc tell their stories and encourage others. Together, we shall win by God's grace.

Act Today. Make a Difference Forever.

Cancer doesn’t wait, and neither can we.